If you’re a regular listener of the BBC World Service… you’re probably too smart to be wasting intellect reading this. If for some reason you find yourself compelled to continue reading, you’ll be pleased to learn that MightyPants Creative Kahuna Tony Grillo received a shout out on the BBC World Business Report last night.

Take 90 seconds to click the image below and sample our (now world-famous) parody on the US Economic Crisis, which opens a segment on Japan’s Central Bank. If you’re in a hurry, skip ahead to the 1:10 mark:



After hearing this piece, you may be under the impression that Tony is a man of high intellect, capable of cleverly wording his way around you in an economic discussion. Don’t worry though – Tony’s eyes will glaze over about 2 minutes into the conversation, as his mind wanders off to daydreams of burritos and Stimpy.

Still, he’s proud as a new papa to hear his work presented by one of the most prestigious news agencies in the world (at least until yesterday). The song, called P.R.I.N.T.  Money, was written & performed by Grillo, with an acoustic assist from house musician Will Jenkins of Wilbar Music. It appeared on Mark Cuban’s Blog Maverick in 2009.

You’ll find the fully animated version on our main page, tucked somewhere between Tim Burton and Stewie Griffin.